Arkansas Forests and Drinking Water Forum #4

The Arkansas Water Resource Center (AWRC), Arkansas Forests and Drinking Water Collaborative (AFDWC), the Arkansas Department of Agriculture – Forest Division, and the Beaver Watershed Alliance (BWA), hosted a watershed resource conference July 13-14, 2022. The conference was held at the Waldrip Hall in the state-of-the-art Don Tyson Center for Agricultural Sciences, an iconic research and education facility in Fayetteville, Arkansas. This served as the biannual forum for The Arkansas Forests and Drinking Water Collaborative which was delayed in fall, 2021 due to continuing covid restrictions. We were excited to reconnect with all of you at this event. This conference hosted speakers and presentations on Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs), Recreation, Source Water Protection, and Incentivized Conservation for Water Quality Improvement:
The conference was offered both in-person and virtual.
Download full agenda
Student and Faculty Research Posters
Evening Social Event: (Wed.) July 13th: Marley's Pizzeria & Bar. 6 pm.
Afternoon Field Tours July 14th: Riparian Re-forestation Demo Site @ U of A, Low Impact Development @ Mount Kessler, River Restoration Project @ West Fork White River.