Arkansas Forests &
Drinking Water Collaborative

Welcome to the Arkansas Forests and Drinking Water Collaborative, a partnership committed to keeping our forests healthy and forested, particularly in key watersheds that provide clean drinking water for Arkansans today and for generations to come. Our efforts are focused on building partnerships between water professionals, forest industry professionals, conservationists, and other stakeholders to plan for the future collaboratively. We promote awareness of the connections between forests, water, and the economy, and work to ensure that Arkansas' natural resources are used in strategic and sustainable ways. If you are interested in getting involved or learning more about what we do, contact us today.

​AR CommuniTree Committee Meeting
Tuesday, February 11th 10:00 am
Arkansas CommuniTree Project Kickoff
Join us for our first quarterly meeting of 2024 as we kickstart our work on the Arkansas CommuniTree Project, an exciting initiative awarded to AFDWC. This marks the establishment of Arkansas's very first community-assisted "riparian tree bank," supported by various partners across the state. We invite our members to participate in the CommuniTree committee, which will be crucial in promoting the project and engaging with landowners. Don't forget to RSVP for this hybrid meeting. If you plan to attend in person the location will be:
Pettaway Commons (in Pettaway Square)
406 @ 21st St., Suite B (upstairs)
Little Rock, AR 72206
Save the Date!
The annual Arkansas Agriculture, Forests, and Water Conference for 2025 will be held at the Don Tyson Agricultural Center

Be on the lookout for a call for presentations soon!
​ Previous Year's Topics:
Water quality and quantity myths
Lakes, Streams, and other Limnological Studies
State and Regional Water Quality Monitoring Programs
Groundwater Science and Management
Nonpoint Source Pollution Management
Watershed Science and Management
Water Quality and Hydrology Modeling
Stormwater Management and Education
Water Treatment Processes
Emerging Contaminants
Wetland Science, Habitat, and Management
Fisheries Science and Management
Stakeholder Involvement and Conservation
Stream and Riparian Restoration
Best Management Practices
Forests and Water
Pictures from Last Year's Conference

Arkansas Story Map
Thanks to the U.S. Forest Service's Southern Research Station, you can now learn so much more about our drinking water resources in Arkansas. Click here or on the map for more info.

Sixty-one percent (61%) of all Arkansans drink water that originates in forested watersheds. Maintaining healthy forests is the best protection that we can provide for our water.

This group meets quarterly in a hybrid setting (both virtual and in-person). For the final meeting of the year, we encourage you to attend online or in-person Tuesday, Nov 12th at 10 am @ Pettaway Commons 406 E 21st St, Little Rock, AR 72206.

The Arkansas Forests and Drinking Water Collaborative is supported by the Southeastern Partnership for Forests and Water, a partnership effort of the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities and the U.S. Forest Service. If you have a project in Arkansas that supports clean water and healthy forests, please let us know by clicking below! Come back to see updates soon.

We are always in need of helping hands. If you like to volunteer on river side tree plantings, help organize meetings/field tours, brainstorm project ideas, and/or research funding, we can use your help. Contact us below.
The Arkansas Forests and Drinking Water Collaborative is supported by the Southeastern Partnership for Forests and Water, a partnership effort of the U.S. Endowment for Forestry and Communities and the U.S. Forest Service. Did you know that clean water grows on trees? Click below to learn more about how the Southeast Partnership is working to help communities plan for the future.
The Southern Group of State Foresters and the Southeastern Partnership for Forests and Water have released a great video series regarding forests and source water protection. Click on our Video page to see these.